With Scratch, you can make you own stories, games, and animations.
Let's try this now!!!
Go to Scratch
First, go to https://scratch.mit.edu/
You can find all kinds of ideas, tutorials and information on Scratch communities in the Scratch Home page. So I recommend you to spend some time to browse around this page!
Note that Scratch exists both in online and offline version.
If you do not have a great internet connection, download the offline version 😎.
But to get start quickly, go to Create on the top menu :
The Scratch interface should open and you are ready to go...
Start with motion
Let's start by grabbing a "move" block.
You can click the block to run and test it!
Do you see your Scratch sprite moving? Yes!
Congratulations, your first line of code is working ✨✨!
There are many other blocks to choose from. Experiment all the fun motions available !!
Coding categories
Check out the different categories :
You can even create your own blocks with
My Blocks
What about sound ?
Let's go to the sound category, and grab a "Play sound until done" block.
Snap this new block onto your move block.
What happens when you click on them?
Do you hear your Scratch sprite say "Meow" ?
When do we want these block to run?
Add an event block on top of your blocks to start the code.
I'll add the "When green flag clicked" block.
You could easily reorder, delete or copy these blocks at any time.
More characters
Add as many characters as you want to your project. You can choose from sprites already designed or create your own 😋
And code each one of them in their code section.
Change their appearance in the Costumes section.